LOAN AMOUNT: £22,000

Stir to Action was founded as an online publisher in 2012 platforming new ideas and debate around economic alternatives. Over the past decade it has developed into a national infrastructure body for economic development, focussing on using democratic ownership to transform inequality, the climate emergency and political culture.
The worker co-op has a multi-layered approach with three broad strands of work focusing on direct economic development programmes, research & policy influence, and providing business support. Stir to Action also publish STIR, a much-admired quarterly magazine, and host a popular festival of new economic ideas every year.
What was the loan used for?
Co-op Loan Fund were delighted to provide a loan to Stir to Action to help with working capital as the worker co-op continues to grow their profile and add to their vast catalogue of successful projects, social consultancy contracts and development programmes.
Stir to Action’s ‘ABC’s of the New Economy’ festival will also take place on 10-11 July 2024 in Bristol bringing together hundreds of people who are transforming their local economy and participating in practical workshops, inspirational panels, and ideas surgeries.
Investment in fair work
Worker-owned co-ops can provide sustainability, equality and equity to members providing fair work at a time when it is greatly needed. Built on values of co-operation; members of worker-owned businesses experience the benefits of autonomy, democracy, unity and solidarity much more than they might expect in other workplaces.
Co-op Loan Fund provides an altogether different route to ethical loan finance for worker co-ops across the UK with unsecured loans and no personal guarantees up to £85,000 with ongoing advice and support and no set lending terms.